Sunday, June 27, 2010

"I Think That I Shall Never See..."

"They took all the trees and put 'em in a tree museum"
Joni Mitchell / Big Yellow Taxi
Earlier this month Swiss landscape architect Enzo Enea, along with Oppenheim Architecture & Design (OAD) joined forces to design and build a "Tree Museum" in Zurich, Switzerland.
The museum is part architectural wonder and part contemplative space. The project is the brainchild or Mr. Enea, who was searching for a showcase for some of the rare trees he has been collecting over the past 17 years. The site is situated on 2.5 acres, the former home of a monastery, and contains 2000 different trees complemented by several simple, but powerful architectural gestures.
Mr. Enea chose to work with OAD because the firm had designed his (sustainably built) headquarters which are located at the site.
The museum is open to the general public for a nominal fee.

David Hansen

* All photos: Enzo Enea / Oppenheim Architecture & Design.

1 comment:

Claudia Juestel said...

This place is fabulous David! Thank you for alerting us.

